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Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form

First launched in 2008 by the Money Advice Liaison Group, the Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form (DMHEF) has provided creditors with a way to collect external evidence about a customer’s mental health situation to decide what support to give to that customer.

Key changes to the DMHEF form

A review conducted by the Department of Health and Social Care, along with the British Medical Association, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, Money Advice Trust, UK Finance, the Credit Services Association and other key stakeholders has led to key changes to the form and process.

The form is now shorter, GPs who agree to complete the DMHEF can no longer charge for this and firms are being encouraged to consider alternative forms of evidence when assessing an indebted person’s mental health.  The form is now hosted online by the Money Advice Trust.

For further information about when and how the form can be used, and to download a copy of the form and associated documents, select the relevant option below.

Information and downloads for creditors

This page briefly introduces the DMHEF. A more detailed user guide can be downloaded, along with the full set of DMHEF materials below.

Creditor user guide

Download guide

Creditor DMHEF consent form

Download Consent Form


Download form

What is the DMHEF?

  • The Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form (DMHEF) is a form that only health and social care professionals can complete.
  • The DMHEF is sometimes used when an organisation that is owed money needs evidence to confirm that a customer has a mental health problem.
  • When this happens, the customer (or someone authorised to act on their behalf) approaches a health or social care professional to complete the DMHEF.
  • The completed DMHEF is then shared with the organisation that is owed money. Along with other information, it is used to help decide what action to take.

Who can use the DMHEF?

The DMHEF can be used by:

  • organisations who are owed money (to help them decide what action to take)
  • debt advisers (to negotiate with organisations that a client owes money to)
  • people with mental health and debt problems (with the help of a debt adviser).

The DMHEF cannot be completed without the consent and help of the person with the mental health problem (or someone formally authorised to act on their behalf).

When should the DMHEF be used?

  • Before using the DMHEF, creditors should ask themselves whether evidence actually does need to be collected? This involves considering whether further evidence is really needed to take fair and proportionate action.
  • If further evidence really is needed, creditors should ask themselves whether alternative evidence is available which could do the same job as the DMHEF? This includes considering whether copies of prescriptions, patient letters, or other materials confirming the customer’s mental health situation, might be used instead.
  • Finally, if the DMHEF has to be used, consideration should be given to the instructions and support given to the customer – what help might they need to get the DMHEF completed?

What is new in this version of the DMHEF?

  • This is the fourth version of the DMHEF. It replaces all previous versions.
  • This version of the DMHEF is simpler and shorter for health and social care professionals to complete than previous versions.
  • A range of health and social care professionals are eligible to complete the DMHEF – ranging from social workers to mental health therapists.
  • The front side of the DMHEF now simply asks for the professional to confirm if the customer has a mental health condition, and to give the name of this condition.
  • The reverse side of the DMHEF provides an optional space for the professional to provide further information about the customer – including, for example, how the mental health condition might affect the person’s ability to manage their money.
  • Please remember that no health or social care professional is legally required to complete the DMHEF – it remains (a) their choice to do so and (b) their choice which questions they answer (if they do agree to complete it).
  • Professionals who request payment

Professionals who request payment.

  • One reason for creating version four of the DMHEF was to end the practice of some General Practitioners in England requesting such a payment.
  • If the GP is working in England and they agree to complete the DMHEF then they must do so without charge. This is part of their contract with NHS England, and is required under the following regulatory document: National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts and Personal Medical Services Agreements) (Amendment) Regulations 2019.
  • If the GP is working in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, they can ask for payment to complete the DMHEF. This situation may, however, change in the future.
  • However, please remember that most health and social care professionals will not request payment to complete the DMHEF.

Who created this version of the DMHEF?

This version was created by the Money Advice Trust and Money and Mental Health Policy Institute in partnership with the British Medical Association, Credit Services Association, Department of Health, Royal College of Psychiatrists, and UK Finance. Prior to this, the DMHEF was overseen by the Money Advice Liaison Group.

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