Consultation responses
Our latest responses to consultations and calls for evidence held by regulators, government departments and Parliamentary select committees can be found below. For consultations before 2020 please contact us.
Response to the Ofwat Priority services registers consultation on standards (January 2025)
Response to the HM Treasury Regulation of Buy-Now, Pay-Later Consultation on draft legislation (November 2024)
Response to the Taking Control Coalition response to the ECB approach to complaints handling and sanctions consultation (November 2024)
Response to the Ofgem Consumer Vulnerability Strategy Refresh (November 2024)
Response to the FCA Review of requirements following the introduction of the Consumer Duty call for input (October 2024)
Response to the The Taking Control Coalition response to the Civil Justice Council Enforcement call for evidence (September 2024)
Response to the CC Water – Improving the WaterSure financial support scheme (September 2024)
Response to the Ofgem Affordability and debt call for input (May 2024)
Response to the FCA Enforcement Guide and publicising enforcement investigations consultation paper (April 2024)
Response to the Ofgem Supplier of Last Resort Levy Offset consultation paper (April 2024)
Response to the Enforcement Conduct Board Consultation on draft 2024/25 Business Plan (April 2024)
Response to the Financial Ombudsman Service 2024/25 plans and budget (January 2024)
Response to the Ofgem Standing Charges call for input (January 2024)
Response to the Ministry of Justice – Including claimant data on the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines (January 2024)
Response to the Ofgem additional debt-related costs allowance policy consultation (November 2023)
Response to the Ofwat service for all – draft vulnerability guidance (October 2023)
Response to the HM Treasury Ban on cold calling for consumer financial services and products (September 2023)
Response to the Ofgem Consumer Standards statutory consultation (August 2023)
Response to the Ofgem Involuntary PPM installation (July 2023)
Response to the FCA Strengthening protections for borrowers in financial difficulty (July 2023)
Response to the Ofwat Customer licence condition consultation (July 2023)
Response to the HM Treasury Help to Save reform consultation (June 2023)
Response to the HM Treasury regulation of buy-now pay-later consultation on draft legislation (April 2023)
Response to the Ofgem call for evidence on prepayment rules and protections (March 2023)
Response to the HM Treasury: Reforming the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (March 2023)
Response to the FCA debt packagers further consultation on new rules (March 2023)
Response to the FCA credit information market study discussion paper (February 2023)
Response to the Ofgem forward work programme 2023/24 (February 2023)
Response to the FCA guidance for firms supporting their existing mortgage borrowers impacted by the rising cost of living (December 2022)
Response to the PSR Authorised push payment scams: requiring reimbursement consultation (November 2022)
Response to the Insolvency Service Review of the personal insolvency framework call for evidence (October 2022)
Response to the Welsh Government Fairer Council Tax (October 2022)
Response to the HM Treasury Statutory Debt Repayment Plan (August 2022)
Response to the FCA Branch and ATM closures: updated guidance for firms (July 2022)
Response to the BEIS Energy bills support scheme (May 2022)
Response to the Ofcom Treating vulnerable customers fairly guide consultation (May 2022)
Response to the The Insolvency Service the future of regulation consultation (March 2022)
Response to the HM Treasury The Appointed Representatives regime call for evidence (March 2022)
Response to the FCA Improving the Appointed Representatives regime consultation (March 2022)
Response to the FCA A new consumer duty further consultation (February 2022)
Response to the HM Treasury regulation of buy-now-pay-later consultation (January 2022)
Response to the Welsh Government consultation on the income thresholds for attachment of earnings orders (December 2021)
Response to the FCA Debt packagers: proposals for new rules (December 2021)
Response to the Joint Insolvency Committee SIP 3.1 Individual voluntary arrangements (November 2021)
Response to the BEIS Domestic energy retail consultation: Opt-in switching and opt-out switching (October 2021)
Response to the Ofcom Review of measures to protect people in debt: call for inputs (September 2021)
Response to the HM Treasury Access to cash consultation (September 2021)
Response to the BEIS Warm home discount consultation (August 2021)
Response to the Lending Standards Board access to banking standard review consultation (August 2021)
Response to the Financial Conduct Authority: A new consumer duty (July 2021)
Response to the Ofwat Guidelines for water companies in supporting customers to pay their bill, access help and repay debts (July 2021)
Response to the FCA mortgages tailored support draft guidance (March 2021)
Response to the Insolvency Service Debt Relief Orders: Changes to the monetary eligibility criteria (February 2021)
Response to the HM Treasury Financial services future regulatory framework review (February 2021)
Response to the FCA update to guidance on mortgages and consumer credit repossessions (January 2021)
Response to the FCA Breathing space regulations: changes to our handbook consultation (January 2021)
Response to the BEIS consultation on increasing the scope and powers of the Small Business Commissioner (December 2020)
Response to the Consumer Council for Water independent review of affordability support for financially vulnerable water customer (December 2020)
Response to the FCA call for input on the review of the unsecured credit market (December 2020)
Response to the HM Treasury Access to cash call for evidence (November 2020)
Response to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy consultation on the Warm Home Discount Scheme 2021/22 (November 2020)
Response to the Ofgem Microbusiness strategic review consultation (October 2020)
Response to the MHCLG Parking Code Enforcement Framework (October 2020)
Response to the FCA Open Finance call for input (September 2020)
Response to the FCA’s consultation on the second draft of revised guidance for firms on the fair treatment of vulnerable customers (September 2020)
Response to the Cabinet Office call for evidence on fairness in government debt management (September 2020)
Response to the FCA consultation on draft additional guidance for firms on consumer credit, overdrafts and coronavirus (September 2020)
Response to the FCA consultation on Mortgages and coronavirus: Additional guidance for firms (September 2020)
Response to the Ofgem’s Supplier Licensing Review: ongoing requirements and exit arrangements (August 2020)
Response to the Ofgem’s Self-disconnection and self-rationing statutory consultation (August 2020)
Response to the FCA call for input – Ongoing support for consumers affected by Coronavirus (August 2020)
Response to the FCA guidance consultation on branch and ATM closures or conversions (July 2020)
Response to the Joint Insolvency Committee consultation on changing statements of insolvency practice (July 2020)
Response to the FCA proposals to further support motor finance and high cost credit (July 2020)
Response to the FCA proposals to further support consumer credit customers (June 2020)
Response to the FCA draft guidance for firms on mortgages and coronavirus (May 2020)
Response to the FCA further proposals for temporary financial relief for customers impacted by coronavirus (April 2020)
Response to the FCA proposals for temporary financial relief for customers impacted by coronavirus (April 2020)
Response to the DCMS Consultation on decriminalising TV licence evasion (April 2020)
Response to the Treasury Select Committee Call for Evidence on the Government’s financial response to Coronavirus (March 2020)
Response to the Scottish Government review of the BADAS Act 2014 (February 2020)
Response to the FCA motor finance discretionary commission models (January 2020)
Response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee protected trust deeds inquiry (January 2020)
Response to the Centre for Social Justice government debt collection call for evidence (January 2020)