Vulnerable Customer Training and consultancy
This year the majority of UK adults will experience vulnerability. Our guidance, training and support, helps organisations and their staff identify and support customers in vulnerable situations.
What you’ll find on this page: Training courses, Vulnerability consultancy, Vulnerability resources, and Wiseradviser
Training courses
With increasing industry focus on vulnerability by regulators and firms, we work across all regulated essential services (FCA, Ofcom, Ofgem, Ofwat) as well as other sectors. Our training courses provide your staff with the practical support and up-to-date tools they need to help customers in vulnerable circumstances.

Public vulnerability training sessions for creditor staff
Find out how our virtual sessions can help your staff develop the skills to identify, communicate with and support customers in vulnerable circumstances.
Vulnerability consultancy
With a decade of experience in helping more than 300 firms across all regulated sectors we know how you can improve support for customers in vulnerable circumstances. Our tailored consultancy can help you to better identify, engage, understand and support vulnerable customers across all your channels in a commercially realistic way.

Excellence in Training Winner 2022
The Money Advice Trust won the CCS Excellence in Training award in 2022.
The award recognises the impact of our training work with creditors to improve support for vulnerable customers.
Vulnerability resources
We are committed to providing the latest vulnerability resources and research to help you help your staff.
Having delivered practical training and consultancy to more than 30,000 staff in over 300 organisations, our work is underpinned by our insight and research.

Why choose our training and consultancy?
Our expertise
Led by senior consultants Chris Fitch and Colin Trend who created industry-wide models, including TEXAS and IDEA.
Proceeds go to the Money Advice Trust
Your money is reinvested into our helping people in debt through our National Debtline and Business Debtline services.
Up-to-date content
Our courses are updated regularly with the latest research into vulnerabilities.
Decades of experience
Our training draws on the insight we have gained across our services that support hundreds of thousands of people each year.
The Money Advice Trust offers free training for advice sector partners in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland through the Wiseradviser brand.
Vulnerability Matters newsletter
To keep up to date with the latest research, guidance, training and developments in policy and practice subscribe to our Vulnerability Matters newsletter.