The Money Advice Trust is a national charity, helping people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence
Our services
We support individuals, the self employed, small businesses, the free debt advice sector and creditor organisations.
National Debtline
National Debtline offers free, independent and confidential advice on personal debt over the phone and online via webchat.
Business Debtline
Business Debtline is the UK’s only free dedicated debt advice service for people who are self-employed and other small business owners.
Wiseradviser is the leading training body for UK debt advisers, with 85% of free money advice agencies in the UK accessing the service.

Training and consultancy
The Money Advice Trust offers training and consultancy services to organisations and customer-facing staff.
people helped in 2023
2.38m visits
to our advice websites last year
staff trained in creditor organisations overall
Training and consultancy

We’ve worked in the area of vulnerability since 2011. During that time, we’ve trained over 300 firms, and more than 30,000 staff, to improve support, and outcomes for their customers.
Improving the UK’s money and debt environment
Beyond our frontline activity, we work closely with the UK government, the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, regulators, creditors and other partners.
Improving the debt landscape
Keep up to date with our latest news, reports and media activity, and find out how to get in touch with our press team.
Our insight work, research and reports.
Our policy work and consultation responses.
Press releases, insight and contact information.
Partner with us
Find out how you can help us reach and support more people more effectively.
Service descriptions, logos and marketing materials.
How to Deal with Debt guides and support materials.
For creditors, including: banks, building societies, utilities companies and credit providers.
Connect with us
Read our blog, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media.
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Insight, comment and opinion from the debt advice front line.